Tuesday, 12 June 2018

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”

Erasmus  allows  us  to  be  in  contact  with  people  from  different  countries,  communicating through the use of English, to enrich our knowledge. Our experience  was  to  go  to  Romania.  We  stayed  in  a  hotel  situated  in  a  lovely village called Targoviste. Every morning we went to school and we got  a  very  good  welcome  from  the  teachers  and  students.  On  free  afternoons,  we  went  out  with  the  Romanian  girls,  who  were  always available  to  make  our  days  special  and  fun.  On  other  days  we  visited  the  most  important  castles  and  churches    of  that  country.  During  that  week,we  also  met  Bulgarian, Turkish  and  Slovenian  people.  Each  country  had  the  opportunity  to  present  the  history  of  their  own  country.  We  learned  to live far from our homes. It was nice to participate in Romanian school activities,  to  listen  to  their  songs  and  to  dance  with  them.  Erasmus  can’t  be  explained,  it   must  be  experienced  because in  this  way  we  learn  to appreciate what is around us because it will not last forever.
                                                Ferraro Maria Concetta IV BLMacrì Desirè IV BL